
Defie global city regions
Defie global city regions

defie global city regions

Basil Blackwell, OxfordĬastells M (1996) The rise of network society. Asia Pac Soc Sci Rev 6(2):73–102Ĭastells M (1989) The informational city: information technology, economic restructuring, and the urban-regional process.

defie global city regions

Int J Urban Reg Res 29(40):945–959Ĭabigon JV (2006) Cities in globalization. Appl Geogr 20(1):43–63īenton-Short L, Price MD, Friedman S (2005) Globalization from below: the ranking of global immigrant cities. Wiley, London/New Yorkīeaverstock JV, Smith RG, Taylor PJ, Walker DRF, Lorimer H (2000) Globalization and world cities: some measurement methodologies. Urban Stud 47(9):1899–1923Īppadurai A (1990) Disjuncture and difference in the global economy. Oxford University Press, New YorkĪlderson AS, Beckfield J, Sprague-Jones J (2010) Intercity relations and globalization: the evolution of the global urban hierarchy, 1981–2007.

Defie global city regions